The Green Party is today welcoming the Justice Minister’s announcement to resume the Law Commission’s sexual violence Trial Proceedings work following repeated calls for the work to start again.
The Green Party is today welcoming the Justice Minister’s announcement to resume the Law Commission’s sexual violence Trial Proceedings work following repeated calls for the work to start again.
“Judith Collins was wrong to stop the Law Commission work in 2011,” said Green Party women’s spokesperson Jan Logie today.
“We have a legal system that is only convicting 1 in 100 cases of sexual violence, change to the trial systems are urgently needed.
“I’d like to thank the Justice Minister Amy Adams for hearing the voices of the many New Zealanders who have called for this to change.
“The Green Party has advocated strongly for removing barriers to survivors of sexual violence in the justice system.
“We need a justice system that the public can have confidence in. We also need a justice system that reinforces the message that sexual violence is not acceptable in our society. Currently our legal system fails survivors and undermines that message.
“It’s great to see the new minister listening to the public call to take action for the victims of sexual violence,” said Ms Logie.