The Green Party will be seeking leave of Parliament, on Tuesday, to immediately introduce Denise Roche’s Member’s Bill which would permanently increase New Zealand’s refugee quota.
“Our Bill provides a permanent long-term solution to New Zealand’s woefully inadequate refugee quota and compliments Andrew Little’s Bill, which addresses the immediate humanitarian crisis,” said Green Party immigration spokesperson Denise Roche.
“By the time John Key does his review, many more lives will be lost. He can increase the quota now but is choosing not to do so.
“If Parliament can pass urgent law to allow bars to open all hours during the Rugby World Cup, then Parliament can pass a law with similar urgency that can save desperate children and their families.
“I will be seeking leave of Parliament to introduce my Member’s Bill to increase the refugee quota because Parliament needs to show leadership where the Government has chosen not to.
"Given how deeply New Zealanders feel about the refugee crisis, there is no reason for any political party to deny Parliament having the opportunity to pass laws that will allow us to do our fair share.
“So many New Zealanders have agreed to open their homes to refugees on social media – now we just need John Key to show some leadership and compassion.
“We need to act now, or innocent people stuck in desperate situations will continue to lose their lives,” said Ms Roche.
Denise Roche’s Bill can be found here.