Green Party launches bill to protect marine mammals

The Green Party has today lodged a members bill that will ensure greater protection of marine mammals.

“Marine mammals such as Maui dolphin, Hector’s dolphin and New Zealand sea lion or rāpoka in our oceans are taonga species. Many of our marine mammals are found nowhere else in the world. These precious mammals are vulnerable to bycatch and death from commercial fishing. The time is now to change our laws and ensure that these creatures are better protected,” says Green Party oceans and fisheries spokesperson Eugenie Sage. 

“The members’ bill I have lodged today would amend the Marine Mammals Protection Act and the Fisheries Act to require the Ministers of Conservation and Fisheries to take stronger action to protect threatened species such as Hector's dolphin, Māui dolphin and NZ sea lions.

“The bill requires a population management plan to be prepared within 18 months of the bill passing. Ministers will also be required to close a fishery if the number of protected marine mammals are killed by commercial fishing exceeds population limits. . 

“It is estimated that only 53 Maui dolphins remain. A Hector's dolphin was killed just last month by bottom trawling off the Canterbury coast. The time is now to protect these beautiful, precious mammals.  

“The changes in my members’ bill are desperately needed. Aotearoa is lagging behind the rest of the world in marine protection. The Government could adopt this bill so it can bypass the ballot, and our marine mammals can finally get the protection they deserve.

“Only with more Green MPs will we be able to take the necessary action to protect the health of our ocean, and all the creatures that live in it,” says Eugenie Sage. 

A copy of the Marine Mammals (Enhanced Protection) Legislation Bill is available here.

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