The Green Party has today launched a quick and easy tool that anyone can use to see how much of a difference the Income Guarantee will make to them and their whānau.
“This is such a simple way for people to see the life-changing impact our Income Guarantee would have on them and their whānau,” says Green Party Co-leader Marama Davidson.
“We know that there are thousands of people across Aotearoa struggling every day to afford the basics. Children are going to bed hungry; families are struggling to pay the rent or mortgage and keep their homes warm; and students are forced to skip meals to make ends meet.
“Our promise is that no one's income will ever fall below $385 per week, after tax. For couples, our Income Guarantee will be at least $770, and a single parent will always have an income of at least $735. It is hard to overstate just how much of a difference the Income Guarantee will make to people’s lives. We’re delighted to share a quick and easy way for people to see for themselves how much better off they will be.
“For the 3.7 million New Zealanders who will pay less tax under our plan, the calculator will show how much they will benefit each week. Take for example, a graduate nurse earning around $60,000 a year. They will be able to input their salary into this new calculator and see that they will get an extra $23 a week.
“Parents or caregivers can use the calculator to see how much support they will get to put kai on the table, or to buy the shoes and warm clothes that children need. Students will also be able to see how the Income Guarantee will help them to make ends meet, and focus on their study.
“Most people will also be able to use the calculator to see that our planned new Wealth Tax does not apply to them, or their family. In fact, just 0.7 percent of the wealthiest New Zealanders will pay the Wealth Tax.
“But the money we can raise through the Wealth Tax will be enough to give everyone peace of mind that they can always afford the weekly shop, pay the rent, or cover unexpected costs – even when times are tough.
The Green Party’s Income Guarantee is the right and compassionate thing to do to lift everyone out of poverty and set all families up to thrive from the start, while reprogramming our tax system in a way that means we can collect the resources we need from those most able to pay. The new tax calculator is a perfect way to show what it will mean in real life,” says Marama Davidson.