The Green Party welcomes Chris Hipkins as the sole nominee for leader of the Labour Party, and the next Prime Minister of Aotearoa New Zealand.
“The Green Party looks forward to working with Chris Hipkins as Prime Minister, and continuing a constructive working relationship with the Labour Party,” says Green Party Co-leader Marama Davidson.
“Together in Government, the Greens and Labour have made good progress to address some of the key challenges facing Aotearoa. But we know there is a lot of work to do.
“In the months and years ahead, we look forward to working with the next Prime Minister to deliver Green Party priorities to end poverty, take bold climate action, and protect our native wildlife.”
Green Party Co-leader James Shaw added:
“I have known Chris Hipkins for many years and have worked with him as part of two multi-party governments. What I have seen in that time is someone dedicated to making Aotearoa a better, fairer place.
“Over the last five years, Chris has taken on some of the toughest jobs in government and delivered some important changes.
“Chris will make an excellent Prime Minister and we look forward to continuing our work together, for the rest of this term and the next.
“We will not be commenting further until Chris Hipkins’ nomination has been endorsed by the Labour Party caucus tomorrow.”