The Green Party has written to Prime Minister Chris Hipkins outlining a plan for a fairer Aotearoa.
“Action to support families is needed now more than ever.
“Too many families are struggling to make ends meet, wealth is out of balance, and our planet is under pressure.
“Aotearoa needs bold solutions that work for everyone.
“Liveable incomes; more affordable, warm homes; support for families to switch to low-cost renewable energy; permanent half-price public transport, and restoring the health of our native plants, animals, and wild places.
“The Greens look forward to working with the new Prime Minister on these issues,” says Green Party Co-leader Marama Davidson.
Green Party Co-leader James Shaw added:
“The constructive and positive working relationship between the Greens and Labour has delivered meaningful change. But we know more needs to be done.
“We need to cut climate pollution faster; ensure everyone has a liveable income and affordable home; and restore the health of our native wildlife.
“Working together, we can build a fairer, climate friendly Aotearoa where everyone can afford a warm home and food on the table,” says James Shaw.
A copy of the Green Party’s letter to the Prime Minister is available here.