The Green Party asked a Parliamentary committee to hear from gun experts four months ago, but Government inaction has prevented it from going ahead.
The Green Party asked a Parliamentary committee to hear from gun experts four months ago, but Government inaction has prevented it from going ahead.
“It’s odd to hear the Police Minister saying she supports an inquiry into gun violence, when the Chairperson of the Law and Order Select Committee hasn’t responded to the request I made for a select committee briefing four months ago,” Green Party justice spokesperson David Clendon said.
“Gun violence was a serious problem in New Zealand, well before the shootings this week. Had the Government not stalled all that time, an inquiry could have been underway.
In November 2015, David Clendon wrote to the Chairperson of the Law and Order Select Committee asking for a briefing from all sides of the gun ownership debate. To date, a reply is yet to be received.
“I asked four months ago for an extensive briefing on fire arms sales and ownership,” said Mr Clendon.
“While I can’t say what was said in the Law and Order Select Committee because of confidentiality, I can confirm I am yet to receive a response from the Government’s chairperson on this committee. But maybe after the Minister’s comments this week, I might finally get a response.”