Greens commit to rebuilding Napier-Gisborne rail line

The Green Party in Government will revitalise rail across the country, including repairing the Napier-Gisborne line.

The announcement came today in Gisborne from two Green MPs, transport spokesperson Julie Anne Genter and local candidate Gareth Hughes.

“National has let regional rail lines rust away but the Greens in government will restore rail as the backbone of New Zealand’s transport system, for freight and for people,” said Green Party transport spokesperson Julie Anne Genter.

“There are huge benefits to moving more freight by rail in the region – fewer heavy trucks on the roads, less pollution, and lower freight costs for businesses.

“We want to see a balanced investment in regional transport. There are significant benefits from investment in rail, but under National we’ve just seen the bulk of the funding go on road expansion.

“We have allocated up to $10 million to repair the Napier-Gisborne rail line, and our policy will ensure future substantial improvements are eligible for central government funding.

 “This is part of the Green’s commitment to regional rail. We’ve also announced new passenger rail services between Tauranga, Hamilton and Auckland, and between Napier, Palmerston North and Wellington.

“We will also make life easier for families. Our Safe to School plan will make it safer for kids to walk and cycle to school. Our Youth and Student Green Card will make public transport free for all kids under 19, and we will provide more public transport services and school buses in towns regions like Tairawhiti,” said Ms Genter.

“Better connectivity to Gisborne and the East Cape is good for business and jobs – and rail is an essential part of that,” said Green MP and local candidate Gareth Hughes.

“The Green Party has three priorities; cleaning up our waterways, protecting our climate, and ending poverty in Aotearoa New Zealand. You can trust us to deliver on these in Government.”

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