The Green Party in government will put $5 million of funding into LGBTQIA+ school support services, as part of its youth mental health policy launch.
“We need to ensure that every student is safe at school, and that our schools are contributing towards breaking down stigma and discrimination against gender and sexuality,” Green Party rainbow spokesperson Jan Logie said.
“The Green Party will fund and support the establishment, development and growth of LGBTQIA+ peer led programmes, and services and support groups for LGBTQIA+ young people.
The Prime Minister's Youth Mental Health Project (YMHP) evaluation by Superu noted that “Other youth populations were less well-served by YMHP, particularly youth identifying as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or inter-sex (LGBTI)”
“Our young people are being short-changed by a society that is still not catering to their needs, especially by the Prime Minister’s Youth Mental Health Project, which seems to overlook queer kids and their health needs,” said Ms Logie.
“Each student has the right for their unique identity to be recognised, respected and celebrated.
“Preventing bullying and social prejudices, stopping harassment, challenging homophobia and transphobia, mental health promotion, and suicide prevention are all needed in our schools.
“The Green Party in government will ensure that future generations New Zealand kids are free to be themselves,” Ms Logie said.