The Green Party’s Te Mātāwaka spokesperson for Pacific Peoples is condemning the consistent racial overtone during this pandemic.
“The Government has made it clear that no one should be asked for photo ID of any kind, and that everyone in Aotearoa despite their immigration are eligible for a free vaccine” says Green Party MP Teanau Tuiono.
“We have been reassured by Government Officials that overstayers would be able to access vaccination and testing without having their immigration status compromised. Asking for passports or identification only creates fear and uncertainty amongst our communities who have been racially profiled.
“It is evident now more than ever that an amnesty for overstayers is a public health response. We have to remove all barriers so Pasifika communities can access all essential services like the COVID-19 vaccination without apprehension.
“We want to and need to dismantle institutional racism within the health system as it only emboldens the ignorance of racist reactionaries as we have seen in vitriol directed at South Auckland communities.
“We need to go further and faster to keep all New Zealanders, and our manuhiri safe during a time where Aotearoa is responding at a Level 4 Lockdown. We will continue to push for everyone to be vaccinated so we can block the chances of spreading COVID-19.
“We are also encouraging Labour to fix the systematic blockage which is stopping our people from accessing health care, which includes more funding and resourcing Pasifika providers.”