The Green Party says a Green-Labour partnership next term is the only way to ensure that we build back better than before, whilst addressing the other crises of biodiversity, climate change and poverty.
Green Party co-leader Marama Davidson said today:
“Throughout COVID-19, the Green Party has urged New Zealand to listen to science, health experts, and Māori and Pacific leadership.
“We have amplified the official advice to keep us all safe, and called out those drawing on peoples’ fear to score political points.
“As the election nears, we have an incredibly important decision to make about who we want guiding our immediate response, and our long-term decision-making.
“During COVID-19 the Green Party ensured greater protections for vulnerable people, additional support for those earning the least, and pushed for Māori and Pāsefika leadership in decision-making.
“It’s essential we remain at the table, so all of our communities’ needs are taken into account.”
Green Party co-leader James Shaw said today:
“We are rightfully bringing forward huge spending to pay for our response to the COVID-19 crisis. We have a responsibility to ensure this spending also deals with the long-term issues that we, and future generations, will face.
“The climate change, biodiversity and inequality crises existed well before COVID-19. Now is the best chance we’ll get to tackle these challenges, but to make that happen, the Greens must be a part of the next Government.
“Our bold ideas would create a resilient Aotearoa which is better placed to withstand the twists and turns of the future.
“The policies being put forward by the Greens, like our Poverty Action, Clean Energy and Homes for All plans, recognise the unique circumstances of COVID-19 and the need to create jobs, while also addressing the underlying crises we face.
“These bold plans are what we will bring to the negotiating table if we get the numbers on election night.
“The best way to ensure Labour prioritises climate action and the environment, while ensuring everyone has what they need, is by supporting the Green Party.
“Once again we’re asking New Zealanders to Think Ahead.”