The Green Party is welcoming the release of the Resource Management Review Panel’s final report, ‘New Directions for Resource Management in New Zealand’.
“The report provides a thorough and thoughtful platform for law reform. The Green Party welcomes this comprehensive review of the operation of the Resource Management Act and look forward to considering the report’s recommendations further,” Green Party Environment spokesperson Eugenie Sage said today.
“The Green Party wants to ensure that our environmental and planning laws protect nature, while enhancing social wellbeing and ensuring people can participate in decisions which affect their neighbourhoods and places they care about.
“Clarifying what resource consent applications should be notified for public submissions, providing for stronger national direction and fewer planning documents, and strengthening water conservation orders are all worthwhile recommendations.
“Aotearoa needs environmental laws with strong ecosystem bottom lines. At the same time, planning frameworks must support development of affordable housing in neighbourhoods connected with green spaces and good transport networks.
“We are delighted to have had climate change considerations added to RMA decision making in the most recent set of reforms, and look forward to improving the legislative framework further next term.
“Any changes to the RMA must ensure te Tiriti obligations and peoples’ right to have their say are upheld.
“We look forward to working through the considerable detail in the report. One area where further work is needed is improving the protection for urban trees. Changes under National compromised councils’ ability to use the RMA to safeguard significant urban trees. That needs to change.”