The Green Party is welcoming the police’s decision to rule out any extended use of the Armed Response Teams (ARTs) which were recently trialled in Aotearoa.
Green Party Co-leader Marama Davidson said today:
“Together we pushed for it, and we got it. The decision of police to rule out the increased use of Armed Response Teams will mean our communities are better off.
“This is something to celebrate. We commend the New Zealand Police for listening to the public outcry during and after the ART trials. They have listened to the community, and made the right call.
“This decision today reinforces the need for people to make their voices heard. We know that people of colour, in particular black and brown communities, do not feel protected with armed police on patrol. We are pleased the police have listened to their voices.
“We also thank the grassroots organisations who spoke out against the trial, to ensure better protected communities.”
Green Party Justice Spokesperson Golriz Ghahraman said:
“This decision today to rule out the adoption of ARTs is a big step against the American style militarisation of our police force. It is a step towards an Aotearoa where we all feel better looked after.
“The Green Party will continue to raise the voices and experiences of our marginalised communities in Government, so we are all protected and free from discrimination.
“We do not need patrolling armed police in New Zealand. This is the right decision from the New Zealand Police.”