The Green Party has announced today that former Cabinet Minister and child advocate the Hon Deborah Morris-Travers will be its new Chief of Staff and that communications specialist Joss Debreceny will take on the senior role of Political Director.
“We are excited to have such skilled and passionate New Zealanders as Deborah and Joss join the Greens’ senior staff team,” said Green Party Co-leader Metiria Turei.
“Deborah’s experience as a Cabinet Minister, and her subsequent work leading campaigns to put children's rights and interests on the public agenda, will be invaluable to the Green Party as we seek to change the Government in 2017.
“Deborah is respected across the political spectrum. She brings over twenty years of political experience and contacts to her new position.
“Deborah was an Associate Minister for the Environment as well as Youth Affairs, Women’s Affairs and ACC. Having Government experience in our team is very important as we head into the 2017 election.
“Deborah is a respected leader on children’s issues. She will play an integral part in our in our work to end child poverty in New Zealand,” said Mrs Turei.
“Joss Debreceny brings over a decade of senior communications and management experience to leading our political and communications team,” said Green Party Co-leader James Shaw.
“Joss has worked in communications in both the public and private sector, as well as in community organisations.
“I went to High School with Deborah so it is great to reunite with her in Parliament and, with Joss, work towards building a cleaner, fairer future for New Zealand,” Mr Shaw.