The Green Party is calling on Israel to swiftly release Green MP Marama Davidson and other members of the Women’s Peace Flotilla who have been intercepted in international waters off the coast of Gaza.
The Green Party is calling on Israel to swiftly release Green MP Marama Davidson and other members of the Women’s Peace Flotilla who have been intercepted in international waters off the coast of Gaza.
The Women’s Peace Boat departed for Gaza on the 21st of September to peacefully protest Israel’s decade long blockade, and to draw attention to the dire humanitarian situation in Gaza. Ms Davidson is one of 13 women on board the Zaytouna-Olivia, who are currently being towed to Ashdod by the Israeli navy.
“We are calling on Israel to swiftly release Ms Davidson and the rest of the crew of the Zaytouna-Olivia, and to end the illegal blockade of Gaza,” said Green Party Co-leader Metiria Turei.
“This inhumane blockade has been in place for a decade, resulting in plummeting living standards and health services, high unemployment, and severe food insecurity for the people of Gaza.
“More aid is urgently needed to help rebuild the homes, public services and livelihoods that were destroyed in 2014 in the war between Israel and Hamas.
“The New Zealand Parliament expressed its support for the Women’s Peace Boat to Gaza and its mission of solidarity with the Palestinian people on the eve of Ms Davidson’s departure for Gaza.
“We therefore hope that our fellow Parliamentarians will join us in our condemnation of Israel’s actions,” said Ms Turei.