Green Party MP Julie Anne Genter is grateful for having had the opportunity to talk to thousands of Aucklanders about making their city even better and even greener, during the Mt Albert by-election campaign.
Green Party MP Julie Anne Genter is grateful for having had the opportunity to talk to thousands of Aucklanders about making their city even better and even greener, during the Mt Albert by-election campaign.
The by-election was won today by Labour MP Jacinda Ardern.
“I want to thank the people of Mt Albert for sharing their stories and their lives with me over the last few weeks,” said Ms Genter.
“Being able to talk in depth with thousands of Aucklanders about the Green Party’s plan for our city has been an absolute privilege.
“Together, we’ve had many important conversations about the challenges our city faces, like how we can build affordable housing that enhances our communities, not just developers’ bank accounts.
“When talking to people in Mt Albert and around the city, I’ve noticed a real mood for change.
“Aucklanders know that National is not delivering for their city – not delivering enough affordable homes, and not delivering the transport infrastructure needed to fix traffic congestion. People know that more market-priced housing and motorway clip-ons just aren’t going to cut it anymore.
“I want to congratulate Jacinda on her victory today. She will be an excellent MP for the people of Mt Albert.
“Campaigning alongside Jacinda has been a real pleasure. I think people have recognised that this has been a different kind of campaign with a different kind of politics.
“Jacinda and I come from distinct parties with their own distinct identities, but we share the same goal of wanting to make government work better for our people, our cities, and our environment.
“It’s the kind of thing New Zealanders can expect to see more of this year as the Green Party and Labour work together to change the government,” said Ms Genter.