The Green Party wants an Aotearoa where the status of Māori as tangata whenua is recognised and respected, and the harm of colonisation is acknowledged and put right.
We understand ecological and social justice includes justice for indigenous people, and that Aotearoa is immeasurably enriched by tikanga Māori. As a Parliamentary political party, we take seriously our responsibility to tangata whenua to reset the relationship with the Crown so tino rangatiratanga is honoured. Our MPs are proud to stand with tangata whenua at Ihumātao, and we will continue working to honour te Tiriti o Waitangi.
We will prioritise policies that promote iwi and hapū self- determination across all areas, with a particular focus on: kaitiakitanga rights, Māori economic development, water, housing, hauora Māori, justice, and education.
The Green Party will:
- Roll out te reo Māori as a core curriculum subject through to Year 10. We will also increase funding for kura kaupapa, kohanga reo, and mainstream te reo immersion and bilingual classrooms, including funding for professional support of Māori medium teachers and teacher scholarships.
- Require tertiary institutes to report on their responsiveness to the needs of Māori students.
- Review the Reserves Act to embed kaitiakitanga and co- governance by iwi and hapū of reserve areas within their rohe.
- Ensure economic and environmental policy recognises the needs of Māori and maximises opportunities for Māori-led sustainable economic development, with a focus on iwi and hapū-led green industries.
- Facilitate finance for development of papakāinga on Māori land, and ensure relevant central and local government planning documents enable papakāinga development.
- Fund primary health care provision through Māori organisations, overseen by a new Māori health agency, with particular focus on remote areas with significant health disparities.
- Support kaupapa Māori restorative justice and rehabilitation programmes, particularly through expanding the availability of Rangatahi Courts nationwide.
- Oppose the use of the Public Works Act to acquire Māori land.
- Recognise Matariki as a public holiday.
Read more about our green vision for Aotearoa