The Green Party are glad to see urgent law changes to ensure legal drug checking services by this summer festival season.
“The Greens have long called for this sensible approach to reduce drug harm at festivals, and delivered a 6200 strong petition calling for legalisation last October,” Green Party Drug Law Reform spokesperson Chlöe Swarbrick said today.
“We know recreational drug use at festivals is going to happen no matter how hard-core the approach. Despite escalating threat of punishment, the problem hasn’t gone away in over 40 years. In fact, it’s gotten worse.
“Under prohibition, young people and festival goers have been needlessly harmed from consuming unknown, unregulated toxic substances.
“When parents send their teenagers off to these festivals, they want them to stay safe, no matter what choices, risks or mistakes they may make.
“By legalising drug checking services, festival goers will be able to check substances and dispose safely of them. It also means festival organisers and service providers like Know your Stuff will no longer be putting themselves at legal risk for providing these lifesaving services.
“All drugs carry risk, but pushing people who use them into the shadows makes them riskier. Today is a win for sensible drug law reform, and marks an important step towards treating drugs as a health issue.
“I’m stoked to end this year with this critically important win for sensible drug law reform. This will reduce harm and save lives this summer.”