Migrant nurses, aged-care and support workers need fair pay as well as equitable pathways to residency, not half-baked measures from National.
The Greens are calling on the Government to value migrant nurses and support workers in line with other professions in the fast-tracked residency list.
“Migrant healthcare workers continue to play a critical role keeping us safe during the pandemic. We need to look after them with liveable wages, safe working conditions and pathways to residency," says Ricardo Menéndez March, Green spokesperson for immigration.
“The Green Party wants to see nurses, midwives, aged-care and support workers paid what they deserve for the crucial role they play in our health and caring workforce, as well as ensuring these migrant workers have genuine pathways to residency.
“Those who leave nursing or support work shortly after entering are leaving because they are exhausted, overworked and seriously underpaid, as opposed to their residency status.
“National and ACT are being disingenuous when they claim to care about getting migrant health workers into Aotearoa quickly, but are content with keeping them underpaid once they get here.
“They showed their true colours last night when they voted down our amendment to pay care and support workers what they deserve and what the unions have been fighting for.
“Support workers, aged-care workers and nurses deserve higher wages, safe working conditions and to be included in the fast tracked residency list.
“The Government’s immigration rebalance is prioritising high paying, male-dominated professions by side-lining workers who continue to play a key role in caring for our health and communities.
“The Greens remain the only party committed to ensuring migrant workers have genuine pathways to residency and liveable wages. We urge Labour to review their pathways to residency settings so they reflect the aspirations of the workers and unions that represent them.”