More resources for kiwi conservation

New Zealand’s goal of 100,000 kiwi by 2030 is being helped by an extra $19.7 million in funding to accelerate iwi and community efforts to protect kiwi, Minister of Conservation Eugenie Sage announced.

“$19.7 million of Jobs for Nature funding is being invested in kiwi conservation activities including increased predator control, more dogs trained in kiwi avoidance, and the successful Operation Nest Egg programme,” said Eugenie Sage at the National Kiwi Hui in Queenstown.

“Work by iwi and community organisations such as Kiwis for kiwi, alongside private landholders and institutions has been essential in protecting kiwi in the wild and in increasing their local kiwi populations. The funding will benefit their work with kiwi”

The charitable trust Kiwis for kiwi is working with the Department of Conservation to manage the funding. Projects all over New Zealand have been invited to apply. Kiwis for kiwi along with other specialist kiwi practitioners will assess applications.

“The funding should enabling a scaling up of community kiwi restoration projects and create more predator-free land for kiwi,” said Eugenie Sage

“Only when large area are predator free will we see kiwi numbers go from 2% decline per year to the Kiwi Recovery Plan’s goal of at least 100,000 kiwis by 2030.”

The Forest Bridge Trust’s kiwi restoration project is one project that will benefit from the investment.

“Building on the work of local communities and private landowners such as iwi and farmers, the Forest Bridge Trust will use $8.5 million of the new $19.7 million in funding to create a 54,000 hectare predator-free corridor across Northland between the Kaipara Harbour and the Pacific Ocean, to be made safer for kiwi.

“Funding from Jobs for Nature will help to speed up the work that the Forest Bridge Trust is doing and create at least 40 new jobs at the peak of the project to support it.”

The new kiwi conservation funding covers five years. At its peak is likely to create up to 100 new jobs for community and Iwi conservation projects including field operation, project management and administrative roles.

Funding focuses on large-scale predator control projects across Aotearoa New Zealand that increase habitat available for kiwi and involve iwi, hapū and private landowners.

 Background information

  • The Government’s COVID-19 response and recovery package includes more than $500 million for Vote Conservation initiatives providing job opportunities for approximately 6,000 people. It will help revitalise communities through nature-based employment.
  • The Government’s Jobs for Nature package responds to the biodiversity crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • The programme led by DOC will create jobs on private land and public conservation land in predator control, restoring wetlands, regenerative planting and improving tracks, huts and other recreational assets.

How can people apply for the jobs created from this funding?

Jobs will be advertised by the groups that have received funding. Visit for regular updates about which projects have received funding.

How were projects selected for funding?

A group of knowledgeable kiwi practitioners from Kiwis for kiwi and DOC will assess applications following a call for expressions of interest.

What sort of amounts are being given to projects?

This will be driven by the Expressions of Interest received good portion of the funding will be invested in a smaller number of large scale projects, like the Forest Bridge Trust initiative.

How much more land will be made safer for kiwi with the funding?

Kiwis for kiwi expect a minimum of 70,000 ha, and depending on how/where the funds are invested, up to 100,000 ha. being made safer for kiwi.

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