The Green Party whole-heartedly supports the Chief Human Rights Commissioner’s call for a cross-party accord on housing, and it’s time other political parties put their petty differences aside for the good of New Zealanders, the Green Party said today.
“It’s time to stop playing politics with housing. New Zealanders want affordable, accessible, healthy housing now, and they’re looking at us, their elected politicians, to make that happen,” said Green Party housing spokesperson Kevin Hague.
“As the Chief Human Rights Commissioner referenced today, John Key and National are denying Kiwis a basic human right, access to adequate housing, by not addressing this issue quickly enough.
“John Key’s failed policies are locking more and more young New Zealanders out of home ownership, and creating a generation of renters who often have to live in cold, damp homes.
“The Government’s do-nothing approach hasn’t worked. It is time for all parties to put their political colours aside and work together to find enduring solutions to the housing crisis.
“The Green Party is committed to ensuring New Zealanders have access to affordable, safe, secure housing.
“Adopting a comprehensive, wide-reaching package of measures that cover both supply and demand is the only way to address housing affordability and quality once and for all.
“The Greens are ready and willing to work together with our Parliamentary colleagues to make this happen, and New Zealanders should hold to account those politicians who won’t play ball,” said Mr Hague.