The Green Party is disappointed but unsurprised that John Key has refused to support setting up an independent policy costings unit, said the Green Party today.
The Green Party is disappointed but unsurprised that John Key has refused to support setting up an independent policy costings unit, said the Green Party today.
In her State of the Nation speech, Green Party Co-leader Metiria Turei announced the Green Party have asked for cross-party support to set up an independent unit that would cost the policies of political parties.
“We are disappointed that John Key won’t support the idea of an independent policy costings unit, but then again, that’s hardly surprising,” said Mrs Turei.
“This National Government doesn’t get its numbers independently checked like we do and as a result they promise to spend more than they have, a prime example being the assets sales spending.
“New Zealanders deserve transparency in their politics and an independent costings unit would have provided that.
“By refusing to support the idea, which is very common overseas, the National Government is denying New Zealanders a chance to make informed decisions on unbiased opinions."