New portfolio line-up for the Green Party

The Green Party has announced a reshuffle of MP portfolio responsibilities following the election of James Shaw as Co-leader, with portfolios consolidated to more closely represent Government ministerial positions.

The Green Party has announced a reshuffle of MP portfolio responsibilities following the election of James Shaw as Co-leader, with portfolios consolidated to more closely represent Government ministerial positions.

“The new Green portfolios more closely reflect Government Ministerial positions, which will help us to continue to hold Ministers to account for their decisions,” Green Party Co-leaders Metiria Turei and James Shaw said.

“James has taken on Climate Change, to reflect the fact that Climate Change and Inequality are our two key priorities and should be portfolios held by a Co-leader,” Mrs Turei said.

“Julie Anne Genter becomes only the third woman MP ever to hold the Finance portfolio, after National’s Ruth Richardson and, for a brief time, the Maori Party’s Rahui Katene.

“Another significant change is to consolidate what had previously been several portfolios into the single Primary Industries portfolio, which will be held by Eugenie Sage.

Mr Shaw added: “The primary industries are a core part of the New Zealand economy, and provide some of the most exciting opportunities to transition our economy into a smarter, cleaner future.

“Metiria and I have worked with the caucus to align portfolios with MPs’ particular strengths, so we can provide more smart, green policy solutions while continuing to hold the Government to account.”

New portfolios
MP Portfolio
Metiria Turei


Building and Housing (inc. Social Housing, HNZ)

Maori Affairs

James Shaw

Climate Change

Economic Development

Russel Norman


Justice (electoral)

National Intelligence and Security (inc. NZSIS, GCSB)

Kevin Hague

Health (inc. ACC, Sport & Recreation)


Rainbow Issues

Eugenie Sage


Primary Industries

Land Information

Canterbury Earthquake Recovery

Earthquake Commission

Gareth Hughes

Energy and Resources

Tertiary Education, Skills and Employment

Science and Innovation



Wellington Issues

Catherine Delahunty

Education (inc. Novopay)


Human Rights

Te Tiriti o Waitangi

Kennedy Graham

Foreign Affairs (inc. Defence, Disarmament, Customs)

Veterans Affairs

Senior Citizens

Julie Anne Genter

Finance (inc. Revenue, SOEs)



Mojo Mathers

Commerce and Consumer Affairs (inc. Regulatory Reform)

Disability Issues

Animal Welfare

Jan Logie

Social Development (inc. Women, Community and Voluntary Sector)

State Services

Local Government (inc. Civil Defence)

Rainbow Issues

Dave Clendon


Small Business

Criminal Justice (inc. Courts, Corrections, Police)


Denise Roche

Workplace Relations and Safety


Immigration, Pacific Peoples, Ethnic Affairs

Internal Affairs (inc. Statistics, Arts Culture & Heritage, Ministerial Services, Racing, Gambling)

Auckland Issues

Steffan Browning





Food Safety