The Green Party is joining calls from top legal academics in New Zealand for the Government to stop funding the justice sector in Nauru while their democracy and rule of law is failing.
The Green Party is joining calls from top legal academics in New Zealand for the Government to stop funding the justice sector in Nauru while their democracy and rule of law is failing.
Today, a group of leading legal academics issued a letter they’d written to Foreign Minister Murray McCully, calling on the Government to consider terminating funding to Nauru. Nauru has been experiencing political strife with the suspension of opposition Members of Parliament and the interference in the operation of its justice system by the Government.
“The National Government should stop funding the Nauru justice sector to the tune of $600,000 a year while its democracy is in such disarray,” said Green Party global affairs spokesperson Dr Kennedy Graham.
“The rule of law needs to be restored to Nauru before New Zealand begins re-funding its Department of Justice and Border Control.
“Basic rights are being denied in Nauru and if New Zealand continues funding its justice system, the Government sends the message that we support the flagrant abuse of power in a South Pacific neighbour.
“New Zealand is in an opportune position to effect change and Murray McCully needs to do the right thing and send a strong message in favour of restoring democracy to Nauru,” Dr Graham said.