The newest form that New Zealand detainees are being asked to sign makes them liable for removal costs despite assurances to the contrary by both the New Zealand and Australian Government, the Green Party says.
The newest form that New Zealand detainees are being asked to sign makes them liable for removal costs despite assurances to the contrary by both the New Zealand and Australian Government, the Green Party says.
The Green Party has obtained the latest form being given out to New Zealanders facing deportation from Australia. The form, provided by lawyer Greg Barns, is explicitly for New Zealand citizens and says they will incur the debt for the cost of their removal from Australia. This week, both John Key and Amy Adams said New Zealanders will not be liable for the cost of their removal.
“It’s obvious that the National Government has yet again dropped the ball when it comes to ensuring the rights of New Zealanders are protected,” said Green Party Co-leader Metiria Turei.
“The Australian Government has no interest in honouring its promises around the deportation of New Zealand citizens, and the National Government has no intention of holding them to account.
“After all the bluster from Amy Adams this week, it defies belief that she wouldn’t have ensured that the undertakings she managed to extract from the Aussies didn’t make it into the agreement all deportees are forced to sign.
“How is it that we are able to get this form but Amy Adams can’t seem to get it to ensure the form is up to scratch?
“If the Government is going to make promises it needs to make sure they can keep them.
“The Government needs to undertake to every New Zealander that has been and will be deported from Australia, that it has their back,” said Mrs Turei.