NZ First has chosen to put political game playing ahead of the safety of children by proposing a referendum on the ten year old amendments to the Crimes Act.
NZ First MP Tracy Martin said on Q&A this morning that her Party wants to hold a binding referendum to repeal the 2007 amendment to section 59 of the Crimes Act.
“I think it's appalling that NZ First is willing to remove a basic protection for our kids in the hope it’ll buy them a few votes in election year," said Green Party Co-leader Metiria Turei.
“This law change simply removed a legal loophole that had allowed people who assaulted children to escape charges by claiming it was ‘parental correction’.
“Parents aren't being prosecuted for lightly smacking their children. NZ First is trying to fix a problem that doesn't exist.
“It’s sad that a political party would choose to use its resources to campaign on removing child protections rather than finding solutions to child abuse," said Ms Turei.