The Green Party is calling on the Prime Minister to guarantee that the refugee quota will be filled to the maximum this year in light of the growing crisis around the world.
The Green Party is calling on the Prime Minister to guarantee that the refugee quota will be filled to the maximum this year in light of the growing crisis around the world.
“New Zealand’s refugee quota of 750 people has a leeway of plus or minus 10 percent, which means as a maximum, we can take in 825 within the current resource allocation,” said Green Party immigration spokesperson Denise Roche.
“John Key needs to guarantee that this year New Zealand will take the full possible allocation of 825 refugees which is possible under the current quota system.
“The resource allocation is there for taking in an extra 75 each year, so why would we not help people who are fleeing from war?
“For the extra 75 people we can take in this year, it would completely change their lives and might even mean the difference between life and death.
“We need to remember that refugees are people fleeing from persecution that is not of their own making; New Zealanders are not so cold hearted that we say no to taking in people who are that vulnerable.
“In an ideal world, National would take up my Member’s Bill which would see our quota go up to at least 1000 people,” said Ms Roche.