Aotearoa is strongest when everyone can be themselves, free from discrimination.
The Green Party celebrates diversity and encourages understanding of all people – including diversity of gender, sex, and sexual orientation. In Government, we’ve started to make changes such as ensuring the next Census contains questions about gender identity, and secured funding to start clearing decades long waiting lists for gender affirming surgeries.
Rainbow communities deserve acceptance, and equal opportunities in law and in practice. For too long, people have been marginalised through legislative barriers, discrimination, prejudice, and a lack of awareness and understanding.
The Green Party will:
- Create an Office for Rainbow Communities, tasked with developing and implementing a plan to improve LGBTQIA* rights, championing rainbow issues, and providing a point of government contact for rainbow communities.
- Ban conversion therapy.
- Take an active role internationally to promote human rights issues in relation to rainbow communities throughout the world.
- Support initiatives to educate institutions, including Local and Central Government, about Rainbow issues.
The Green Party will implement the recommendations of the Human Rights Commission’s Prism Report relating to sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, and sex characteristics in Aotearoa:
- Amend the Human Rights Act to prohibit discrimination on the grounds of gender identity, gender expression and sex characteristics.
- Pass the Births, Deaths, Marriages and Relationships Registration Bill so the process of changing gender markers on birth certificates is based on self-identification.
- Address the healthcare needs of rainbow people by prioritising the needs of intersex, transgender, and non- binary people, giving them the respect they deserve.
- Ensure schools are inclusive and safe, and workplaces are free from discrimination.
Read more about our green vision for Aotearoa