The Green Party is welcoming the announcement by Minister of Agriculture Damien O’Connor to review New Zealand’s live animal exports rules.
“New Zealand’s live animal export laws are in serious need of an update to protect animal welfare and our agricultural brand,” Green Party Animal Welfare spokesperson Gareth Hughes said today.
“New Zealand exports tens of thousands of live animals for breeding purposes every year and these animals can face appalling treatment when they arrive in the importing country.”
“The example of hundreds of cattle dying in Sri Lanka after being exported from New Zealand was a clear animal welfare failing and blot on our agricultural reputation.”
“The EU has banned all live animal exports to countries with lower animal welfare standards and it is time New Zealand follows suit.”
“New Zealand can’t impose our animal welfare standards on other countries but we can stop exporting to countries with lower standards.”
“The Green Party has called for the end live animal exports and will be pushing for the strongest possible outcome in this review,” Gareth Hughes said.