National’s last minute ditch to get the Trans Pacific Partnership 11 agreement across the line just a day before the general election smacks of desperation, the Green Party said today.
The comments come on the back of news that MFAT negotiators will meet in Japan to negotiate the final package of elements for the TPP, now called the TPP-11 since the US pulled out. This is the deal that will be presented for final agreement by Ministers in November.
“The fact the Government are trying to get this deal over the line right before the election without talking to Opposition parties about it, isn’t transparent, and looks like they’re trying to get it into place before they are voted out,’ said Green Party trade spokesperson Barry Coates.
“This continues National’s desperation to see a TPPA at any cost. Any deal made now will lock in a future government without their consent.
“It is customary practice that governments should try to avoid taking pre-emptive decisions just before an election, particularly those that bind the decisions of the incoming government.
“National is pushing for the TPP-11 to go through to make it look as if they done something in their nine years in government besides higher greenhouse gas emissions, dirtier rivers and more children in poverty.
“We need trade agreements that are in the interests of all New Zealanders,” said Mr Coates.