The Green Party welcomes the Labour Party’s commitment today to take action for clean water.
The Green Party welcomes the Labour Party’s commitment today to take action for clean water.
Labour today said it will set strong standards for freshwater quality, help farmers to protect waterways and charge a royalty on water. The Green Party is strongly committed to protecting drinking water, cleaning up our rivers and making sure that water bottling companies pay their fair share.
“The choice is clear: we need to change the Government if we want to ensure rivers we can swim in and water we can drink for future generations,” said Green Party water spokesperson Catherine Delahunty.
“Our parties share a great deal of common ground on cleaning up our rivers and ensuring clean drinking water for all New Zealanders, and we’re excited to work on these issues together in Government.
“Labour’s announcement supports the decades long efforts by the Green Party to force real action on the pollution of our waterways and drinking water that is making us sick.
“The Greens are the only party in Parliament who will lead on the development new farming models which will really help to protect our environment, alongside a new generation of farmers and farmers groups who are more than willing to take up that challenge.
“Thousands of New Zealanders support a charge on the commercial use of water, and the Green Party policy will honour the Treaty of Waitangi and ensure that iwi receive the fair share of any revenue from water bottling,” said Ms Delahunty.