A win for Wellington - Greens welcome more housing

The Green Party is welcoming the announcement by the Minister Responsible for RMA Reform Chris Bishop to approve most of the Wellington City Council’s District Plan recommendations.

“This is a big win for Wellingtonians who want to see more affordable housing close to where they work, study, and socialise,” says the Green Party’s Wellington Issues and Housing spokesperson Tamatha Paul.

“We’re encouraged by the minister’s decision to take up the Council’s decisions and help make the capital a more liveable city with the required residential intensification.

“To everyone who got involved and made their voices heard in favour of more housing, thank you. Today’s decision shows what’s possible when people organise around a vision for their communities.

“Minister Bishop has agreed with most of the Council’s recommendations for zoning including those relating to development around Adelaide Road, the walkable catchment around the City Centre Zone, character precincts, building heights and controls on the interface of the City Centre Zone and the Johnsonville train line.

“This is encouraging to see, and represents an endorsement of the Wellington City Council’s processes for implementing the District Plan: the Intensified Streamlined Planning Process and the Medium Density Residential Standards system.

“I’d like to mihi to the Wellington City Council, particularly Mayor Tory Whanau, on the ongoing work it’s doing in this area, after several years of grind and consultations at the community level. To see the government endorsing the Plan means we’re one step closer to the goal of being a truly inclusive modern capital city,” Tamatha Paul says.

Minister Bishop has decided not to remove ten buildings from the schedule of heritage buildings in the District Plan.

Tamatha Paul says she looks forward to working further with Minister Bishop on de-listing of earthquake-prone and otherwise dangerous heritage buildings to create a more fit-for-purpose system.

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