A resilient and diverse agricultural sector contributes to thriving ecosystems, people and rural communities.
Values and Principles
● Honour Te Tiriti o Waitangi: Tangata whenua ancestral land ownership, including its return, tino rangatiratanga, through Matike Mai, and kaitiakitanga must be upheld and honoured.
● Ecological Wisdom: Agricultural practices should regenerate our soils, water and biodiversity and lock away carbon, caring for its foundations.
● Social Responsibility: Everyone, including future generations, should have secure access to sufficient food and fibre that is produced locally and traded fairly.
● Appropriate Decision-Making: Mātauranga Māori, as well as local knowledge, should be combined with recognised best practice to guide agricultural activities.
● Non-Violence: Agricultural practices should avoid harm, including harm to farmed animals, native ecosystems, and harm caused by novel and introduced species.
● Value: Agricultural practices should focus on quality, recognising the value of sustainably produced agricultural products, and should avoid damaging intensification.
● Rural livelihoods: Farming systems should help support a decent quality of life for all rural people who live and work on and around them.