The Green Party is concerned that another report into actions of the spy agencies show them acting outside their own policies.
The Green Party is concerned that another report into actions of the spy agencies show them acting outside their own policies.
The Inspector General of Intelligence and Security (IGIS) has found that information given to the SIS to vet people for jobs is also being used, in some cases, without permission, for activities such as counter-intelligence. The report has also found that there were a large number of people with access to the confidential information and that there was inadequate recording of who accesses the information.
“This is yet another example of the SIS acting outside of their policy. It is unacceptable that the spy agencies can’t operate within their own rules,” said Green Party Co-leader Metiria Turei.
“The SIS holds private information on New Zealanders, including things like relationship history, financial records, medical problems and details of people’s families. The fact that they have not been adequately protecting this information is very concerning.
“Many New Zealanders should be worried about how the SIS has been using their private information and how many people may have seen it.
“When this information is handed over to the SIS, it is for the purposes of job vetting. For the SIS to allow this information to be used for their counter-intelligence, without permission of the people who gave this information up, is once again the SIS breaking the rules.
“A prime example of this would be, if your flatmate has a security clearance, then your information is with the SIS and they could be using it for counter-intelligence. And if your information was disclosed without your approval, you won’t even know what the SIS is using this information for.
“While it is good the SIS have accepted the recommendations of the IGIS, it is frankly farcical how often the SIS break their own rules.
“The SIS’s inability to comply with their own rules is the reason why they should not be getting any more powers,” said Mrs Turei.