As a member of the Green Party you can:
- Be involved in developing Green Party policy
- Be part of our election candidate selection and list ranking
- Vote on key issues, party leadership and other positions
Stay up to date
- Receive the Party Office Pānui newsletter and other emails keeping you in touch with whats's happening within the Party and around the country
- Receive Te Awa, the Green Party magazine, including in-depth articles about Green issues, news, book and film reviews and more
- Join the online community
- Get access to the members-only section community website
- Join party discussions
- Meet fellow members in your area and with your interests
- Browse and add to the members' wiki
- Access the Green Party information archives
By becoming a member you are effectively growing this political Green movement and this will help the Party to:
- Grow the mandate for the issues that are important to you
- Demonstrate that we should receive a bigger share of the allocated advertising for the general election
- Increase our political leverage
So what are you waiting for? Join the Green Party today!
Frequently Asked Questions
My partner and I both want to join. Can we have a joint membership?
Membership needs to be individual due to the requirements of the Electoral Act. However, we usually try to combine letters, magazines or other mail sent to the same household.
How much does membership cost?
The membership fee is $30 per year or $5 per year for low-waged.
I think my membership has lapsed. How can I renew?