The Green Party backs the demands of thousands of secondary and area school teachers striking today.
“The wellbeing of our teachers is the wellbeing of our tamariki. The Green Party is calling on the Minister of Finance to prioritise our teachers and provide the money necessary to increase their salaries” says Green Party’s education spokesperson, Teanau Tuiono.
“Teachers make such a difference to children’s lives. They make a huge contribution to our communities, and they are valued by so many families across Aotearoa.
“Recently, Chris Luxon and the National Party put forward more oversimplified, failed policies in an attempt to address outcomes and attendance.
“We know what needs to be done to improve education in Aotearoa. Thousands of teachers have been striking to try and get politicians to listen.
“The Green Party is the only party that knows teachers need to be valued more, and their pay needs to be raised.
“We urge the Government to come to the table and ensure teacher pay keeps pace with the rising cost of putting food on the table, paying the rent, and keeping the house warm.
“Our message to teachers today is this: we are listening, and we back you.
“The Green Party is committed to ensuring every teacher is valued so that every child in Aotearoa can reach their full potential with a high-quality, accessible public education,” says Teanau Tuiono.