The Green Party calls on the Government to get serious about supporting families.
“Tax rebates for childcare will be nothing more than a drop in the ocean for families struggling to get by,” says Green Party co-leader Marama Davidson.
“It is insulting for the Government to offer support for childcare if in every other area of life they are going to make life so much harder. Once again, National is demonstrating that they're not actually interested in supporting people.
“Parents are wanting quality, reliable care in areas close to where they live and work - having confidence their kids will be looked after well, with a warm and child-centred approach to education. Over the last twenty years, more and more community-based early childhood centres have closed and large, for-profit chains have expanded.
“Rebates will ultimately fail to address the core issues plaguing our early childhood sector. It is high time we had a mature conversation about what is needed to ensure our tamariki get the best possible start in life.
“Early Childhood Education is a public good. To build strong and stable families that provide a foundation for our tamariki to thrive, we need a Government that will take action to raise incomes and invest in better access to early childhood education services.
“For too long, successive Governments have underinvested in early childhood education and patched up the problem with subsidies that line the pockets of private businesses who are pushing community-run, not-for-profit centres out of the market.
“A Government serious about the well-being of children would not be reducing the benefits and incomes of our most vulnerable families. It would not be threatening public housing tenants and their children with homelessness. It would not be cutting school lunches. And it certainly would not be doing all of this to fund tax cuts for the rich.
“Making childcare more affordable for families requires more than mere tax cuts. It demands action across a range of areas - from investing in community early childhood education, pay equity for teachers, ensuring all kids have access to quality care options, and working towards universal, public, free early childhood education.
“Alongside this, the Green Party re-design the Working for Families scheme to make sure children have the best possible start in life, and are supported to thrive.
“The Green Party will continue to call for policy that addresses the core issues surrounding our families,” says Marama Davidson.