This weekend is our Weekend of Action!!!! In order to be prepared, we will have a door-knocking training session for those that can make it.
This way, many of you can get started immediately on Saturday or Sunday.
We will be using a mixture of printed 'walk lists' of around 60 people per person for the day, as well as trialling an app called eCanvasser!!! This is not essential, but for anyone that wants to try it, it makes life much easier!
Part of door knocking, if using a 'walk list' is data entry! So we will run through this as well, and will ideally do this immediately after door knocking whilst the information is fresh in your minds, it doesn't take long.
Just bring yourselves, preferably some friends to form your team, or you can join an existing team.
Please RSVP, or contact Oli Aylen for more info: [email protected]
"All people have the power to make change"