This year, GreenLeft Network members are working to support GreenLeft endorsed campaigns around the motu! This is the first time we’re actively campaigning, and we need you! Come join us to call on behalf of Teanau Tuiono, Ricardo Menéndez March, Lawrence Xu-Nan, Francisco Hernandez, Stephanie Rodgers, Suveen Sanis Walgampola, Gina Dao-McLay, Reina Tuai Penney, and Nick Ratcliffe.

One of the best ways to help us reach voters is by joining our calling parties. We only call people who have previously given us their phone number, and we give you training on how to do it. You do not need to be an expert in any part of our policy or ideas, and you don’t need to use your phone plan! 

What we do is use a website that calls folks over the internet, and then provides you with a script. We’re looking to confirm their name and, if possible, their voting intention by making a personal connection. The prompts help you get them talking about what they care about - and we’ll give you training as well. 

How to join

Once a fortnight, we are running virtual phone calling. That means from the comfort of your own home, you join us on zoom to get some training and then crack into it! You just need an internet connection, a device with a web-browser, and maybe a cup of tea.