New information on Gloriavale Christian Community School shows that they are teaching a Victorian-era agenda of domestic servitude that should not be funded by the Government, the Green Party revealed today.
New information on Gloriavale Christian Community School shows that they are teaching a Victorian-era agenda of domestic servitude that should not be funded by the Government, the Green Party revealed today.
Official Information Act documents obtained by the Green Party have brought to light issues around access to education at Gloriavale School, particularly for female students. Further information obtained by the Green Party reveals that almost $200,000 in Government money was received by Gloriavale School in 2014.
“Gloriavale’s approach to education is leading to girls missing out on science and limiting students to domestic servitude,” said Green Party education spokesperson Catherine Delahunty.
“It is highly concerning that no females are getting a science education, or much of a maths education.
“Gendered pathways of farming and sewing are unacceptable in a modern world.
“I respect the benefits of a practical education, but am very concerned about the idea of young women being saddled with endless sewing and denied the opportunity to further themselves.
“Children in New Zealand need access to a modern education that equips them for the world.
“The Government needs to protect these girls’ right to a proper modern education, not fund this Victorian-era throwback.
“To get entrance to education beyond school students needs NCEA Level 2 literacy and numeracy, which Gloriavale does not offer.
“Gloriavale School is failing to equip students to further their education if they choose to.
“Having an education means choice, and Gloriavale students are being denied that choice.
“What is the Government doing for girls who want to do more with their lives than wash and iron clothes and have babies?” said Ms Delahunty.
Last month, Ms Delahunty sought an inquiry at Select Committee into Gloriavale’s educational processes, but this was denied.
“I am concerned that the MPs on the Select Committee and the Education Review Office do not see Gloriavale’s approach to education as being troubling.
“The Government may wish to reconsider its rubber stamping of what is happening at Gloriavale School in light of this new information,” Ms Delahunty said.
The Green Party is supporting the review of the Education Act later this year, and will be advocating for the rights of students to have a balanced education to be included in the Act.
The Official Information Act documents are available from