The Green Party envisions an Aotearoa New Zealand where our governing structures uphold the rangatiratanga of iwi and hapū and provide for a high quality of life for all. In Government, the Green Party will boost the nationwide dialogue of constitutional reform that is grounded in He Whakaputanga and Te Tiriti o Waitangi. We will constitutionally recognise Papatūānuku and enshrine her and her descendants’ inherent rights. We will ensure our governance structures are open and accountable: empowering the Ombudsman, broadening the OIA and establishing a culture of open government. We will establish a free, accessible, and public repository of all released official information, and require that all appropriate information related to a decision is released as soon as possible to support proactive public engagement.


Accessible, fair and inclusive governance honours Te Tiriti o Waitangi.

Values and Principles

Governance structures, activities, and processes (at local and central levels) must align with the following values and principles: 

  • Tikanga: Governance systems must uphold the rights of tangata whenua and the responsibilities of tangata Tiriti under Te Tiriti o Waitangi. 
  • Community: Decision-making and governance systems must build social cohesion, recognise the importance of personal and collective relationships, and provide a safe and accessible space for all to be effectively heard. Marginalised voices must be elevated, through honest and informed dialogue that builds collective action to protect the rights of all.
  • Belonging: All communities and their cultures must be accepted in Aotearoa New Zealand; everyone understands their relationship and responsibilities to Te Tiriti. Human rights must be protected and realised.
  • Place: Papatūānuku must be embedded in the foundation of our governance. Decision-making works in the best interests of current and future generations, and our ecosystems. Aotearoa New Zealand’s independence must be safeguarded and protected against abuses of power and privilege.
  • Balance: Governance systems must balance concepts of power to protect the needs and rights of tangata whenua, tangata Tiriti, and the natural world. Decision-making must be decolonised and transparent, centering Te Tiriti and tikanga to lead to empowering outcomes for everyone.
  • Conciliation: Governance systems must facilitate productive and effective relationships between rangatiratanga and kāwanatanga. Policy and public decision-making must follow Te Tiriti to empower marginalised groups.
  • Structure: The separation of the legislative, judicial and executive functions of government must be upheld, with decision-making devolved to take place as close as possible to those affected by the decision. Governance and the public service must be resilient, with sufficient funding, capability and support to carry out  their mandated and social responsibility functions. 
  • Openness: Accountability and transparency are essential for ensuring democratic and good decision-making. Decisions for an environmentally sound and socially just future must be accessible, challengeable, and made through participatory processes. 

Strategic Priorities

The Green Party’s strategic goals include: 

“Māori will be empowered and resourced within a kaupapa Māori framework to support restorative and rehabilitative justice and provide for the well-being of whānau, the environment and our natural ecosystems.”

“Our democracy will be accessible and enable inclusive, participatory decisions, where people can influence the collective choices that affect them.”

Actions in this policy that will help achieve this include:

  • Ensure Aotearoa New Zealand engages in a process of constitutional transformation as outlined in Matike Mai. (1.2)
  • Contribute to constitutional arrangements that uphold He Whakaputanga o te Rangatiratanga o Nu Tirene (the 1835 Declaration of Independence) and Te Tiriti o Waitangi, reflect the whakapapa of tangata whenua, and affirm tino rangatiratanga. (1.3.1)
  • Ensure that high levels of participation, inclusive of marginalised voices, informs public decision-making. (3.2)
  • Ensure that Māori world views and the importance of Te Tiriti o Waitangi are understood and honoured throughout Aotearoa New Zealand. (1.4)
  • Ensure that government actions and policies nurture and protect the natural world while securing a high quality of life for all people. (2.2)
  • Enhance the accessibility of pathways to participate in and challenge public decision-making. (2.4)

Connected Policies

Governance naturally hits all aspects of our lives and environments. All our policies explore how decisions should be made about that topic. However, other policies expand on the broad approach in this policy:

  • Budgeting, expenditure and investment by public decision-making bodies, to provide assets and services that support wellbeing, now and for future generations (Government in the Economy Policy)
  • Civics education and public education covering Te Tiriti o Waitangi, He Whakaputanga, and ongoing Crown-iwi relationships (Education Policy)

Our Tiriti o Waitangi Policy defines the end goal of this governance policy, of how Te Tiriti could be fully realised.


Latest Open and Accessible Government Announcements


New Algorithm Charter a world-first

This Government has today become the first in the world to outline a set of standards to guide the use of algorithms by public agencies. The Minist...
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Democracy, human rights, and te Tiriti of Waitangi

Aotearoa can have a flourishing democracy with te Tiriti o Waitangi as its foundation. We can be proud of our democracy compared to many other coun...
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Green Party welcome Labour signing up to advertising transparency on Facebook

“We welcome Labour joining us in voluntarily opting into new transparency rules for advertising on Facebook”, Green Party Co-leader Marama Davidson...
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Strengthening Democracy (Member's Bill)

This Member's Bill sets out the Green Party’s priorities for strengthening our democracy. Why are we doing this? We're proud of our MMP system and ...
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Transparency Measures for MPs

We have two important new transparency measures to help counter the influence of money in politics.
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Election Access Fund (Member’s Bill)

Chlöe Swarbrick MP's Election Access Fund Bill was written to support disabled people in accessing and participating in elections and standing for ...
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