Govt must not backpedal on cycle safety

The Green Party is calling on the Government to follow through with a recommendation from the Cycling Safety Panel to protect people who cycle with mandatory safe passing distances.

“It’s vital that the Government follows through on the Cycling Safety Panel’s recommendation for mandatory safe passing distances to protect people who cycle,” Green Party transport spokesperson Julie Anne Genter said.

“It’s good to see practical solutions recommended like different safe passing distances for low speed and high speed roads.

“The Government also needs to invest more in safe, separated cycleways so that people on bicycles aren’t forced into dangerous situations. 

“The Green Party has proposed mandatory safe passing distances for a long time, and I have a Members’ Bill in the ballot that would enshrine these in law.

“Cycling accidents have cost New Zealand $870 million over the past five years, according to the New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA).

“The number of people choosing to cycle is growing fast and it’s important that all road users are safe on the roads,” Ms Genter said.

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