The Government’s newly released data paints a damning picture: the sanctions regime targeting beneficiaries is an abject failure.
“Benefit sanctions deprive people of the means to survive and there is no evidence they support people into paid employment,” says the Green Party’s Social Development and Employment spokesperson, Ricardo Menéndez March.
“This is blatant cruelty dressed up as policy. People deserve to live in dignity and to be supported in times of need, not punished.
“The Government's own data shows their vindictive measures are not helping people into work. The number of people receiving the main benefit is sitting at the highest level in six years, despite sanctions going up 126 per cent since last year.
“The Government has both relied on making people unemployed to lower inflation, while also doubling down on sanctions towards unemployed people. Louise Upston is being careless with the truth by trying to draw a correlation between sanctions and people leaving a benefit without any evidence to show this is the case.
“The truth is that under this Government there are no plans to have enough jobs available for every person on the benefit, condemning thousands of people to living below the poverty line.
“These policies aren’t just failing beneficiaries, they’re failing everyone. The Government’s punch-down policies are increasing unemployment, pushing up rents and failing to find people work. It’s a vicious cycle, in which the most vulnerable bear the brunt of this Government’s endless quest to line the pockets of the rich at the expense of everyone else.
“We can afford to care for one another, without blame or shame, all that’s missing is the political will.
“The Green Party campaigned on a fully costed plan to end poverty. Central to this is the establishment of a wealth tax. Furthermore, we would guarantee liveable incomes, end benefit sanctions, and provide tailored support to connect people with jobs that match their skills and aspirations,” says Ricardo Menéndez March.