Green Co-leader calls for cross-party action on climate change

Green Party Co-leader James Shaw has renewed his call for cross-party action on climate change at today’s trans-transman Environmental Defence Society Climate Change and Business Conference, saying a lack of policy stability is letting business down.

“Increasingly business leaders are wanting to lead on climate, and are exasperated at the Government’s lack of political leadership on these issues,” said Mr. Shaw.

“National has turned their back on business certainty and price stability by weakening the ETS and rejecting offers of long term cross party work. The Greens are offering long term certainty, clear price signals, and tax cuts to offset increased carbon prices.

“There are an incredible number of areas where businesses have the opportunity to invest away from carbon-intensive processes – but the Government needs to reprioritise if they are going to truly support the business leaders who are looking to lead on climate.

“The Green Party’s ‘Yes We Can’ climate plan demonstrates how New Zealand can have a much more ambitious emissions reduction target, including action in the transport, electricity, forestry, waste, and agriculture sectors.

“Businesses will not be able to safely invest in strong climate solutions until the Government steps up to provide long-term regulatory certainty. I am asking the Government to step up and support businesses.

“Businesses need to know that successive governments will work towards meaningful action on climate change, and that their efforts won’t be undermined by another round of tinkering.

“This climate plan is our starting place. It’s our most significant effort to reach across to National and start to build the political consensus New Zealand needs on the climate.

“We can’t buy our way out of carbon debt indefinitely. New Zealand has to decarbonise its economy anyway, so why don’t we start now?” said Mr. Shaw. 

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