A Green Party Member’s Bill pulled from the ballot today will put renters’ rights firmly on the political agenda, where it belongs.
Metiria Turei’s Residential Tenancies (Safe and Secure Rentals) Amendment Bill strengthens tenants’ rights, and will lead to stable, long-term tenancies that are good for both renters and landlords. The 2013 Census records 453,135 households as renters, an increase from 388,275 in the 2006 Census.
“My Bill will help people who rent get the stability they need to put down roots in their community,” Mrs Turei said.
“The home ownership rate is reducing and more families are renting – those families’ rights need be protected so they too can have a stable and secure home life.
“Families who rent often find themselves pushed around from house to house, and their kids moved from school to school, unable to settle down.
“The rental market is the other side of the housing crisis that affects hundreds of thousands of New Zealanders.
“In many other countries, particularly in Europe, long-term tenancies in quality, warm homes are the norm.
“Landlords benefit too when tenancies are stable and long term, because the property gets looked after and there are no time gaps when tenants aren’t paying rent.
“Home ownership is at the lowest level since 1951 and everyone deserves a home to call their own – whether they rent or buy,” said Mrs Turei.
The Bill makes six changes to the Residential Tenancies Act:
- Allowing tenants a right of first refusal when their lease expires.
- Requiring landlords to be transparent about how they calculate rent rises.
- Removing obligations on tenants to pay leasing fees.
- Creating a default lease term of three years, with the ability to choose a shorter term.
- Preventing rent increases more often than once every 12 months for periodic and fixed-term tenancies.
- Restoring the 90-day notice period when landlords wish to sell the property.