Green Party calling for bold steps to tackle issues in Salvation Army report

The Green Party agrees with the Salvation Army that bold new steps are needed to stop a worrying trajectory of increased rent rises and homelessness.

The Green Party agrees with the Salvation Army that bold new steps are needed to stop a worrying trajectory of increased rent rises and homelessness.

“Home ownership is at its lowest rate since 1951 which means an entire generation is living with renting. 200,000 of these households are living in high financial stress due to unaffordable rent and, worse, we currently have 60,000 people on the very cusp of homelessness living in inadequate and precarious situations. This is not good enough”, Green Party Co-leader Marama Davidson said today. 

“A solution like KiwiBuy is needed. The Green Party has already called for 10% of all Kiwibuild homes to be shared equity homes where families rent to buy as part of a government subsidised home ownership programme. 

“The Green Party has a commitment from Government to provide such a programme. All around the country I am hearing from community providers who want to be part of the solution to home ownership for kiwi families and I look forward to the Government working in partnership with organisations like the Salvation Army that have such a wealth of experience and energy to deliver the solutions we need. 

“I am also renewing calls on the Government to implement a housing Warrant of Fitness, so that everyone in Aotearoa has a safe, warm and dry home to live in. 

“We don’t allow people to sell or drive dangerous cars in New Zealand, and no one should be renting out a home that can make you sick. 

“It is these bold positive changes that will ensure kiwis have a shot at home ownership and are guaranteed a warm, dry safe place to live. 

“We know that the power imbalance between renters and landlords in Aotearoa is become increasingly exaggerated and that balance needs to be restored. 

“We have a market where rents are increasing, this eats into income and traps Kiwis into long term renting. Meanwhile those homes being rented are cramped, mouldy, and often not fit to live in. 

“This Government is doing great work to even out this power imbalance, conducting reviews into how we achieve healthy homes for everyone and ensure renters have adequate rights and protections. 

“The KiwiBuild project is work to be proud of and, as outlined by the Salvation Army, we need to go further”.

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