The Green Party welcomes funding for an additional 600 coordinators in schools to assist teachers with students who have additional needs.
The Green Party welcomes funding for an additional 600 coordinators in schools to assist teachers with students who have additional needs.
“We recognise that schools are central to the success of our communities”, Green Party Co-leader Marama Davidson said today.
“Families end up keeping their kids at home because it is too tough when there is not enough support, teachers are stretched beyond capacity, trying to teach curriculum whilst also juggling the diverse and complex needs of students.
“Teachers should be given the space and resources to focus on educating our kids. That’s why we wholeheartedly support the additional resources to ensure 600 coordinators can support teachers with students who have additional needs.
“Part of our Confidence and Supply Agreement with Labour is to ensure that every child with special needs and learning difficulties can participate fully in school life. This announcement goes towards meeting this part of our agreement.
“We would like to acknowledge Catherine Delahunty who tirelessly advocated for the right for each and every child to have a full and enriching school experience.
“This will relieve pressure for teachers whilst also giving more kids a better chance in life”.