The Green Party has a plan to help all Kiwi kids have a great start to life, by giving parents more financial support and more flexibility at work.
Green Party co-leader Metiria Turei today launched the ‘Budget for All Mothers’ policy package which is aimed at reducing time and money pressures for parents, and improving long-term outcomes for children.
“We want every single Kiwi kid to have a great start to life. That’s a Green Party priority, and we make no apologies for that,” said Mrs Turei.
“Under the Green Party plan, anyone who can’t get paid parental leave will be able to access the Parental Tax Credit of up to $220 a week. It’s fair and it’s right to have universal support for every baby born in New Zealand.
“We will also make wahakura baby pods available to every family in New Zealand, providing a safe sleeping space and essential items for baby’s first few months.
“Every parent I know struggles to balance their commitment to work and to their kids. The Green Party will extend sick leave to 10 days, to allow parents and whanau to take time off when needed to look after sick kids, and other people who are dependent on them.
“We will extend before-school, after-school and holiday care subsidies to include all children from low-income families, whether their parents are working or not. No child should be left out because their parent doesn’t have a job.
“We all want to live in a country where every child gets a great start to life. The Budget for all Mothers is the first step towards a greater, fairer New Zealand,” said Mrs Turei.