Green Party MPs will be signing up to a Parliamentary Code of Conduct, following its release from the Speaker of the House Trevor Mallard.
Green Party Workplace Relations spokesperson Jan Logie, who was on the Working Group for the Code of Conduct’s development, said:
“I welcome the timely release of the Code of Conduct for Parliament.
“The Green Party commit to signing up to it, so that our MPs and staff have guidance on best behaviour that keeps us all happy and thriving in our workplace.
“The Code of Conduct sets clear expectations on acceptable behaviours in Parliament. For too long this has not been clear, resulting in behaviours that have made people in Parliament feel unsafe, with an increased exposure to bullying and harassment.
“It has long been the case that Parliament, like other institutions, had work to do to ensure our spaces were free of harassment and bullying.
“What has been launched today is an important step in creating a workplace where everyone feels safe and valued.
“People deserve to have trust in Parliament. We look forward to the time when Parliament provides a positive example to the rest of the country.
“I remain focused on seeing the rest of the recommendations from the Debbie Francis review being acted upon.”