Everyone deserves a warm, dry, affordable home that supports their wellbeing and helps them to be part of a connected community. Successive governments have allowed speculation to drive up prices, and failed to build enough public housing, or support our community housing sector.
Owning a home has become unachievable for many families, and many people who rent are forced to settle for substandard, overpriced homes.
With the Green Party in Government there has been a reset to the approach to housing. We have built more public houses than any Government since the 1970s, provided wrap around support to end homelessness, introduced comprehensive rental reforms, and created a $400 million progressive homeownership scheme.
We need to scale up what works, so that everyone can have a decent place to call home.
The Green Party will:
- Build more solar powered and energy efficient state houses every year, enabling people to share clean electricity with their neighbours.
- Develop public housing in ways that ensure no net loss of publicly owned land.
- Expand progressive homeownership programmes like rent-to-own and shared equity, as well as non-profit community rental initiatives, in partnership with iwi, hapū and community housing providers.
- Ensure our laws are fit for purpose for a thriving housing sector, by introducing professional standards for property managers and student accommodation.
- Ensure regulatory frameworks support the development of innovative co-housing initiatives.
- Facilitate finance for development of papakāinga on Māori land, and ensure relevant central and local government planning documents enable papakāinga development.
- Provide high quality emergency and transitional housing to help end homelessness, with a clear pathway into an affordable long-term home.
Read more about our green vision for Aotearoa